Decorating your home office

Decorating your home office

Working from home can be super comfortable and productive — unless your home office is a disaster. Whether your home office is designated space for running a business, your remote workspace or simply a nook for paying bills and organizing your schedule, you deserve more than a metal desk and extra chair stuffed into a spare corner. Why? An office that reflects the design and comfort of the rest of your home is a place you'll want to burn the midnight oil. Follow these simple tips for designing an office at home:

  • Location

  • You'll likely spend many hours in your home office, so don't stiff yourself on space (e.g. squishing a tiny desk into a windowless closet to preserve the rarely-used guest room).

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  • Don't Sacrifice Form for Function

  • Your desk, shelves and storage should serve you, not the other way around. Consider your workflow and what items you need at your fingertips before investing in furniture, and then look for pieces that are both beautiful and functional.

  •  Invest in a Great Chair

  • You spend hours parked in your office chair; a beautiful, ergonomically correct, comfortable seat is worth every dime.

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  • Give Yourself a View

  • Position the desk where you can stare at something more interesting than a blank wall (even if you do love the color) when you glance up from the computer. A window's natural light is ideal, but if you're in a windowless space, hang a pretty picture above the desk, or position your chair to face the door.

  •  Let There Be Light

  • Make sure your office has plenty of light to cut down on eye strain and headaches. Position the computer monitor so there's no glare from a window or overhead light, and put a small lamp on the desk for task lighting.

  •  Inspire Yourself

  • Set up a mini-shrine — a few cherished knickknacks, a piece of framed art, a special photo on your desk — that motivates you to create and/or get the work done so you can get out of there. A print of Paris can channel your inner muse, or a photo of your children might remind you that you're doing it all for them.

    Here is an extra: How to create a color palette

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